The Best Events are Powered by Clean, Off-Grid Energy Storage

Imagine strolling through your local farmers' market on a beautiful Sunday morning, taking in the vibrant colors of the freshly-picked produce, the sweet smells of the bakery, and the cheerful chatter of the local vendors. As you continue walking, the aroma of freshly-baked goods and the sounds of conversation become replaced by the thick smell of gasoline and the constant hum of the generator powering the event. The once clean and organic atmosphere feels like a façade, leaving us to wonder if gas generators are the only solution for powering off-grid events.

Outdoor events, like farmers' markets, are often powered by gas generators, which convert gas into the electrical power vendors need to run their equipment (ovens, stoves, speakers, lights, fans, and more). Generators are an affordable and trusted commodity, but unfortunately, they are not clean; with their loud humming and odors, they can quickly ruin the atmosphere of a great event. Events should be powered by clean energy sources, free of annoying sounds and pungent smells.

Solar and batteries are a clean alternative

Gas generators may be sufficient for the present, but they are not for the future. It is becoming increasingly important for event planners to find clean, off-grid energy storage solutions that provide the necessary power for outdoor events. One solution is to pair solar power with batteries, creating an environmentally friendly alternative to gas generators.

Solar panels convert light into electricity, which can then be used to power vendor equipment and charge the paired battery system. The batteries store the excess energy from the solar panels and provide the energy needed to run equipment during times when the solar panel alone cannot power the system (ie. at night, or on cloudy days).

However, batteries alone can't power everything

A vendor plugs into a solar and battery-powered generator to turn on their oven, but nothing happens. The battery states it can deliver 2.4kW, which seems like more than enough, so how could this be? The answer is power.

Batteries excel at long-duration storage (high energy density), but have a low power density, meaning they struggle to provide the “turn on” power needed by things like ovens, fans, HVAC systems, pumps, speakers, and even LED strips.

The power required to turn on that vendor’s oven was higher than what the battery could deliver. Think about how it’s more difficult to start pushing a box than it is to keep pushing it. The same happens in electronics. It takes more power to turn equipment on than it takes to keep that equipment on. 

Hybrid energy storage systems are the solution

Batteries and other energy-dense technologies can be paired with power-dense energy storage devices, like supercapacitors, to utilize the best of both worlds. Supercapacitors have a high power density and low energy density, meaning they can deliver the “turn on” power required but cannot keep the equipment on for very long. A hybrid approach allows the battery to do what it excels at (long-duration storage) and the supercapacitor to do what it excels at (short bursts of high power).

However, a hybrid energy storage system is not without tradeoffs. The addition of an energy storage technology creates competition for the physical space in a system. If supercapacitors are to be added to a system, that typically means there is less space for batteries. This causes a difficult tradeoff to be made to get the best balance of long-term storage and power capacity. This is where Capacitech can help; we make it easy to use both batteries and supercapacitors, without the tradeoffs.

The best supercapacitor is flexible

Capacitech has taken energy storage systems to the next level. By integrating supercapacitors into power cords, there is no competition for space with batteries. This allows the supercapacitor to connect the batteries to power sources and loads, enhancing them without the tradeoffs typical of hybrid systems.

For example, Capacitech's 10ft long energy-storing power cord can deliver up to 55kW of power in an instant, providing all the "turn on" power you could need. A battery sized to deliver that same amount of power would need to be 10x larger and would be much more expensive. Capacitech makes it easy to meet all of your power needs with a simple, affordable battery and our dual-function power cord.

The benefits of using clean, off-grid energy storage

Pairing batteries and supercapacitors can lead to a truly powerful and efficient off-grid energy storage solution. Not only is the event clean, quiet, and odor free, but the utilization of renewable energy sources like solar is now a viable gas generator replacement. The many needs of farmers’ markets, concerts, or any outdoor event will be met with the help of batteries and supercapacitors. With these systems in place, event planners can be sure that the event will be environmentally friendly and go off without a hitch!


Red Bull and Capacitech Redefine Boundaries of Cleantech with Solar, Batteries, and Supercapacitors


Cables that Enable Better Batteries